Isabella Luca
BA (Hons), Estate Agent
Isabella (or Bella to you and us) grew up in the beautiful Epicurean paradise of Piedmont, Italy, schooling in Turin where she studied (get ready for this…) ancient Greek and Latin, history of art, Italian and English literature, physics and philosophy (phew, what a list! Our very own classicist!). She had a childhood filled with things most people’s dreams are made of; summers on the Mediterranean coast, winters skiing in the Alps (her Father works in ski-resorts – a preponderant for learning to ski!), eating sumptuous Italian food and riding horses around the Piedmontese countryside. Bella moved to Bath (no-one’s perfect) to attend university reading Business and Economics from which she has graduated with a first (our clever girl!) and having fallen in love. The love birds quickly saw sense and made the sagacious move to Bristol, which thankfully led Bella to us! Having already started her career in Estate Agency thanks to a love of property (that’ll be the childhood surrounded by Italian Baroque architecture), Bella has very quickly become a loved and valued member of our team, by us and clients alike. In her spare time, Bella loves to travel (skiing holidays are her favourite of course!), motor racing (her partner competes in championships all over the country and Bella travels with him and sources his sponsorships) and anything that involves people and sport (though not necessarily always together). She also loves reading, philosophy, art and design, physics, economics, maths- oh, and she plays the piano and violin. If there is anything our Bella can’t do, we haven’t found it yet!