Sold STC
GUIDE PRICE RANGE: £10,000 - £15,000
A rare opportunity to purchase a secure underground parking space.
The top 'deck' of a 2 car stacker. (The lower level is owned by an apartment owner)
Approx. Measurements: (15'9 x 7'6) (4.80m x 2.29m)
Located beneath the Alderman's Park apartment building at the junction of Redland Court Road and Redland Green Road.
Accessed via electronically operated secure doors via driveway off Redland Green Road.
TENURE: Leasehold for the remainder of a 999 year lease which commenced on 1 March 2004.
NB: Some taller vehicles may not be suitable for parking on this space (restricted headroom when the lower level is raised).
Contact Richard Drew on 0117 946 6690 for more information.
Property Features
- Secure underground parking space.
- The top 'deck' of a 2 car stacker
- Approx. Measurements: (15'9 x 7'6)
- Electronically operated secure doors
- Beneath Alderman's Park apartment building
- Remainder of a 999 year lease
- Current service charge : £455 per annum
available exclusively through the sole agents, Richard Harding Estate Agents, tel: 0117 946 6690.
1. Anti Money Laundering Regulations: when agreeing a sale of a property we are required to see both proof of identification for all buyers and confirmation of funding arrangements.
2. The photographs may have been taken using a wide angle lens.
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4. We endeavour to make our sales details accurate and reliable but they should not be relied on as statements or representations of fact and they do not constitute any part of an offer or contract. The seller does not make any representation or give any warranty in relation to the property and we have no authority to do so on behalf of the seller.
5. Please contact us before viewing the property. If there is any point of particular importance to you we will be pleased to provide additional information or to make further enquiries. We will also confirm that the property remains available. This is particularly important if you are contemplating travelling some distance to view the property.
6. Any reference to alterations to, or use of, any part of the property is not a statement that any necessary planning, building regulations, listed buildings or other consents have been obtained. These matters must be verified by any intending buyer.